Tuesday 3 September 2013

New Baby

Well, my first baby is on her way to grade one this morning. My middle baby will be going to pre-school next week and my last baby is turning two pretty soon and he is clearly moved into the toddler phase.  The Hubs and I have determined, with much certainty and peace, that three is our lucky number and so, it seems, the perfect time to start a "new baby" - this blog.

Much like the decision to have a child, this blog idea has been rolling around upstairs for a while now.  Bits and pieces emerged and departed like storm clouds passing through on a summer day. Sometimes, they were loud and and impressive only to dissipate quickly and others took their time, looming, waiting, growing larger and more substantial.

On the brink of  a career "hiccup" (more to come on that later), I decided to take a cue from my two boys and just jump in the puddle with both feet and splash around a bit, giving no particular care to the mess I made.  I realize I will have to clean up my mess later, and I will eventually grow out of jumping in with both feet (on second thought, hopefully not!) but that's what life (and this blog) is all about anyway, right?  Evolution, growth and seizing the moment.

As many of you can understand, it's taken me 30-odd years to nail down what I think I'm good at but most importantly, it's taken me that long to generate enough confidence to share.  So, with my teacher-voice lurking in the shadows and my Mom-eyes (in front and in the back of my head) scanning for treasures, I hope to share some clever ideas, thought provoking questions, light-hearted laughs and heart-warming moments from my teacher-mom journey. 

I hope you enjoy this adventure with me, guaranteed to be full of side notes (I love parentheses...my mind has a tendency to wander), a few quotation marks, the odd cryptic metaphor (they always make sense to me!) and a lot of ideas that will finally get their chance to materialize in print! I'm not a photographer but I love photos almost as much as I love the subjects in them (99% of the time my children) so I hope to be able to post a few blog-worthy snaps as well.

I am quite certain that if I were to compare this blog to a newborn it would inevitably be the overdue colicky type...not particularly attractive (c'mon, admit it, how many newborns are really cute? Plus, 2 of my 3 were overdue...wrinkly and full of dry scaly skin, so I'm allowed to say that!) and demanding far more attention than I'm physically and mentally able to give (technology is my friend but it's not my bestie).  It will no doubt, as all babies do, grow out of that phase and develop into something I am confident with, proud of and feel like I have some degree of control over.  For now, it's a colicky newborn - beet red, wrinkly and screaming -  and I will pace and bounce and put my heart and soul into it with no visible rewards.  But that's ok.  If nothing else in this teaching/parenting journey, I've learned patience.  I will be patient and thank you for being patient along with me.  Now, let's get on this ride and hang on tight!

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